About ConnectedTouch

I studied Shiatsu alongside level 1 training with CranioSacral Australia in 2012

I first had shiatsu in my twenties, was a regular smoker and surprised to find myself not craving a cigarette a few hours after each session - which helped me begin to stop. Other benefits can include letting go of hyper-vigilance & entering a deep state of rest which I was unfamiliar with. I understand this now as physiological signs of the Autonomic Nervous System shifting from Sympathetic or survival mode into the Para-sympathetic state of rest & low dorsal vagal tone. This shift brings about a slowing of heart rate and increased peripheral blood flow, so the body can focus on repair - this relaxing effect itself can have health benefits

I gained a Diploma Counselling to respond to stories & emotional issues when they emerge during sessions & most recently trained in Somatic Experiencing (SE). The SE process can combine talk & touch to gradually release patterns of activation & holding in body brought about by previous overwhelming experience. SE is based on the work of Peter Levine and his understanding of our animal bodies' innate healing capacity. To heal from trauma & become resilient - the nervous system has to regain the capacity to charge up when energy is required & settle according to the needs of the present moment - rather than being propelled, frozen or activated by past experiences

Shiatsu translates from Japanese as ''finger pressure'' it uses Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) pathways. There are many ways to interpret TCM, one way this system links mental health with the heart,  is that the Shen or mental energy is thought to rest in the Heart at night. So if the mind is overactive with anxiety & racing thoughts preventing sleep, then working the Heart Meridian may be useful. I teach this & other simple techniques from shiatsu, to aid relaxation & deeper sleep in small workshops

I'm familiar working with older people adults and those with spinal injuries, confident making adjustments for differing mobility, as well as being trained using hoists

I’m inspired by Kathy Kain's work on how touch can build capacity to repair what may have been missing or neglected in early life. I'm happy to work with children with an adult caregiver present and prefer to work on both adult & child - as the nervous systems of children and caregivers are interconnected

I trained in shiatsu at a community college in the Blue Mountains in Australia. I'd like to see somatic therapies have more reach, not limited to those doing well financially - I'm interested in exploring avenues & resources for this

If you're seeking shiatsu for fertility/ pregnancy or specific health issue I may refer to another  practitioner

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